EVERYTHING ENDS HERE! okay , not worth waiting , 7 months & 2 weeks. I'll try my best to forget you. Memories, yes it wont fade away. Run into tears just now after all those bullshits . Not in the mood x

Unproductive night.

Um well nothing much. Going to Melaka tomorrow with the cousins. Yeah atleast tomorrow will be such a productive day for me.Mhm, this is the first time going for a vacation without my parents and i smell freedom btw xD. Not a vacation actually, a trip mybe ? Nahh , i dont mind , i still call it as vacation . Going to Melaka for a night only. Should be happy this time. Stuck at home on your holiday is so unproductive way to spent your holiday. Went to Setia City Mall last week and I can said the shopping mall is hugeeee. The mall was quite okay and I prefer Setia city Mall than Sunway or etc. Everything is complete there. Cakap apa semua ada :D And I tried to  find Zaza's present but couldn't find anything. Tomorrow , I should get him something from Melaka. Actually, I found something attractive for him at Typo but mhm i dont know. If I dont find anything for him from Melaka , decided to buy something from Typo and a small bear for him. Uhm, hope that he'll like that! x)

Homework yang bertimbun-timbun macam Gunung Everest tu pun tak bersentuh lagi except for Science.  Goodjob Alissa :') Uhm, the sejarah kerja kursus belum start langsung elemen 2. Padahal this thingy paling penting but I dont even bother about it. Heh -.- Will start it next week or else i'll die.....

Someone is being such a bitchy little kid. Yeah you might know who is the little kid. Please behave dear little kid. Its just not me who noticed about your attitude, most of us did noticed about you. So please lil fella! :) Tak beragak langsung kot, tak habis habis dgn Zayn Malik kau tu , annoying pun ada sometimes. *jealous*

Lots of love, alissa <3